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About the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Hong Kong

The HK Section was inaugural in 1972. This was the year when we have the original Bylaws that was needed to set this up as a Society. Though the long history of IEEE HK Section, it has served as the cradle of many prolific and renowned researchers. Until now, there are 79 Life Members in Hong Kong including 25 Life Fellows, 45 Life Members, and 9 Life Seniors. In 2020, IEEE HK Section formed the Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) to recognise the achievements of these Life Members. Led by the Founding Chair Prof. Wan-chi Siu, the LMAG can share its leadership experience and research expertise with other IEEE HK Section units, as well as to help promote IEEE and its core values in Hong Kong and worldwide.

Chairman's Welcome to IEEE HK

A warm welcome to you!

It is a great pleasure for me to be involved in this initiative that allows secondary school students to participate in an IEEE conference. This allows students the chance to take their project work to a new level, while enriching their CV's with both a ResearchGate publication and conference participation. All of this can assist with applications for further education, particularly when applying to university.

The IEEE has long since recognized the need to cultivate and encourage engineers from a young age; to nurture and foster these students to become productive members of their communities and to get them to consider joining the achievers who advance technology for the benefit of humanity.​

So, if you are a secondary student, then join up. If you are an educator, encourage students to join up. We want students to have published papers and for them to become part of the growing number of university applicants that mention this on their CV's. 

For the sake of advancing technology for humanity.

Yours in education,

Paul Hodgson - Chairman, CT/OES HK Chapter

Paul Photo with DB.jpg

Our Team

K.F. Tsang
George Woo
Jacky Liang
Lee Gwun Yiu

Vice Chair



Publicity Officer

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